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Thursday, December 20, 2012

Random Grab #6

Wow! Sorry people! I really dropped the ball the last couple weeks! I need to get back on the train. I've been super busy! Maybe I'll do a 12 days of Christmas sort of thing, and pick out a scent a day or something. I'll have to decide...anyhow.

First grab outta the bag:

Cold December's Night
Color: The oil from the Sugared Spruce has caused mine to discolor a little bit. It's kind of a brownish blue now.
Fragrance: mmmmm. Kayla did a super job with the combo on this one. Just sitting here next to me on the table I get predominantly mint, and almost a cinnamon? Up close and personal this one is strong on the mint, but you also smell the sweetness of the sugared spruce. It's a nice Christmassy combo! I can't smell too deeply cause the mint makes me cough. LOL. It reminds me of like, being outside when the air is very crisp, enough to pinken the end of your nose. It's gently snowing and the smell of the pine trees is in the air. mmmm. Now I just need some cocoa!

Brandied Custard
Color: Chocolaty Brown
Fragrance: It's sad, cause I don't think this one is on the site anymore. I love this one. It smells to me, the way that Butter Rum Lifesavers taste. We used to steal these from my mom's purse when we were little, cause she loved them and would NEVER let us have one. But this is EXACTLY what this smells like to me. I love it! I should have ordered a candle...poo.

Home Sweet Home
Color: Bright Christmas Red
Fragrance: I like this one as well. I don't know if it's supposed to be a dupe for Yankmee's HSH but, if it is, it's a better, toned down version. It's softer, like more mild creaminess has been added. There's definetly spice in there, but it's not the "singe your nose hairs" type. It's more mellow bakery spice. Almost like the actual wood of the cinnamon stick if that makes any sense. Kind of reminds me of a soft, warm, homey potpourri! I love it. I think it would definetly make a good blender too!

Love that my hand just happened to pick more fall/winter scents today. lol!

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Random Grab #5

Well, it's time for another RG post! Are you so excited? lol. I told you I'd try and get another one out here soon. I'm so excited, we're supposed to get our first snow tonight! Yes, yes, I am one of those freaks that loves the snow...and winter. Anyhow, stay tuned down at the bottom, I'm looking for a little input....

Singapore Sling:
Color: White
Fragrance: As part of the Black Label line, this is some primo scent! The BL line comes in two forms, the candle it's self and SS form. This one is so so good! I know Jason (holla) loves this one! It's like one of his faves. To me, in this one I get like a lemon/lime sugared cupcake sort of smell. It's really really delightful! And you can smell like, each individual note! You get the tart of the lemon, it almost zing's your nose if you breathe in deep enough. Then you can smell the sweet note of the sugar and the baked goodness of the muffin. I believe there's also some poppy seed in there too, but who knows what the heck a poppy seed smells like. Do they even have a smell? Love this one!

Apple Cider
Color: Dark Grassy Green
Fragrance: First off you get the spice. It's not like the normal spice, it's like a cider spice....if that makes any sense at all. And the apple I wouldn't say is a green apple. It's more of a sweet apple, like a golden delicious or a red delicious...I love this one as well. It literally reminds me of a nice mug of apple cider. Not the cheap from a packet type, but the real deal, mix it and put in a mug. mmmmmmm. Cozy, crackling fire. Mug of cider and a warm someone to snuggle with. Perfect.

Amber Romance:
Color: Pumpkinny Orange
Fragrance: If you love the smell of amber, you'll love this one. I for one (big surprise) love it! If this is duping certain perfumes from certain companies with people who's names start with V's,'s a good dupe! man, this ones good. It's a very warm, sexy fragrance. The blend of amber and the musk that's in it, it's just perfect. I would probably burn this one the most in my room. Or when I'm taking a bath.

Ranking this one's going to be hard!

1. Singapore Sling & Amber Romance
2. Apple Cider

Now, as for the input. Do you guys like what I'm doing with this? do you want something different in the blog as well? I'm open to ideas. Let me know guys. I haven't been getting any comments on here, so I don't know if you're actually liking this!

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Random Grab #4

Happy post election day everyone! I know I'm glad it's over. All the name calling and mud slinging drive me crazy! Why can't people just get along? I have not done one of these for weeks so I have a special treat for you! I'll be doing a couple of these this week! I know, I know...try and contain yourselves. LOL. I just bet you all sit there waiting for me to post...anyhow. Now that life is somewhat back to normal, since we've had our guests from France here for 2 weeks. I'll be able to catch up hopefully!

First draw outta the chute....

Raspberry Peach Cobbler:
Color: Fall Leaf Reddish Brown
Fragrance: Honestly, when I first got this one I wasn't too wild about it. It's still kind of a hodge podge to me. I like it all right, but I don't know that it's one of my favorites. I smell the traditional cobbler scent in there, the crustiness. But, the peach and the raspberry are smelling awkward to me? It's not horrible, but I think I'd like a little more fruitiness to come out in this one.
Warm Throw: About the same for me.

Neroli Blossom:
Color: Amber Orange
Fragrance: I believe this is just supposed to be an Orange Blossom right? This is a clean scent to me. I like this one. Normally, I'm not much for clean scents. They remind me of the bathroom....*cough* anyway....
This is fruity, without being, "wow! smell the fruit in that!" it's more a subtle fruit, mixed in with a nice floral. A soft powdery floral. Together the scents blend comfortably!
Warm Throw: This baby is powerful. Really great throw on this one!

Sea Salt and Lotus Blossom
Color: Plummy Purple
Fragrance: Again, not big on clean scents, but I LOVE THIS ONE! It's nice and oceany. But a soft ocean. The blossom portion to me smells like a hyacinth. I love hyacinth. This is totally silly, but I imagine this being the flower that's in Ariel's hair! It's a nice soft, watery, girly fragrance. It would make a great perfume.
Warm Throw: Nice and light and airy!

1. Sea Salt and Lotus Blossom
2. Neroli Blossom
3. Raspberry Peach Cobbler

Monday, October 15, 2012

Random Grab #3

Good Morning everyone! I first want to give a warm welcome out to all the new people just joining Candles By Victoria in the last few days! You'll soon find yourself addicted in no time! I first just want to put a link in here for those of you who are new. I do YouTube reviews on my CBV orders as well. I think I've got about 45-50 videos on there now! Homershippo's CBV YouTube Channel! I hope you find much hilarity and craziness, as well as great reviews of great candles there! So, onto the smellies for today! For those of you who are reading for the first time, I usually do a weekly, stick-my-hand-into-my-scent-shot-basket-and-see-what-I-come-up-with review. It keeps it fresh, and original and non I've also put in labels on most of the fragrances, just so that if you're looking for something specific you can type it into the search and it should pop up for you!

Today's Pickings Are:

Color: Buttercup Yellow
Fragrance: Oh how I love this one! I originally got it because I had ordered a Surprise Candle (which if you haven't, you should, cause they're super fun!) and I thought this was the top layer of my candle. But, it wasn't. Never the less, it is still very, very good! It's a dupe for the Marc Jacob's perfume of the same name. I don't get an overall floral note out of this like the name would suggest. It's a soft, perfumy fragrance. A soft, clean fragrance. In the description it talks of patchouli. Now, ya'll know I HATE patchouli! I don't smell it in this at all. I do however smell a soft powdery musk, mixed with a soft bouquet. I would love to smell like this perfume or have my sheets softly scented in this. It reminds me of like, a late summer day. A gentle breeze is blowing and you can smell a soft florally perfume in the air. I really like this one and would suggest it highly!

Vanilla Lace
Color: Milky Cream
Fragrance: This one, I originally bought too, hoping for it to smell like something else. I was hoping it would be a dupe for the Victoria Secret perfume. But, it's not. I do like this one as well. It's very, very, very soft though. It's a great mixer for other scents as well. This one is plain and simple to describe. It's soft and powdery vanilla. Not creamy, not baking, just a soft, powdery vanilla. It's really great mixed with Cashmere. (another CAS of mine. Yes, I know, I make a lot.) I think I called it Cashmere Sweater.

And lastly, my wayward, summer scent choosing hand finally decided on a fall scent!

Autumn Leaves
Color: Maple Leaf Orange
Fragrance: I ordered this one when it came out based on a few peoples reviews. It just sounded so odd I had to have it! I think I mixed this one with an apple fragrance and it was divine! Super crispy and fall! Now, onto the description. This one is earthy...not dirt, stinky earthy, it's just earthy. I get a smell of like, green, grassy notes. It's really hard to describe. But, it does smell like leaves...wet, crunchy leaves. Like when you're raking outside in the fall. Where you get that damp earth smell as you rake. I just picture it like, you're out raking leaves, the air is crisp, enough to make your nose just start to tingle. it's really nice. I don't know how it will be on it's own. But mixed it's really good as well!

I hope you enjoy all your CBV goodies and I hope that my little reviews help you in making a decision on one (or two or tons!) of her amazing smells!

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Random Grab #2

Yaaaay! another Random Grab! Apparently my hand is really loving the tropical-ish scents lately! Doesn't it realize it's now time for Fall????? Here are this weeks picks!

St. Lucia
Color: Creamy Turquoise
Fragrance: Now, mind you, I'm not big on Honeydew scents. For some reason I just don't love them. BUT, this baby. Come to mama! it's so, so good! I don't get the nectarine scent thats supposed to be in it? if it's in there, it's nice and light. It doesn't play a HUGE predominant role in this fragrance. I get the honeydew and the marshmallow ambrosia. Holy crikey and little kittens! It makes the fragrance like, this creamy honeydew melon. It really tones down the....melony sweetness if you will. It is creamy honeydew...this would make a great drink. like a blended margarita consistancy with cream drizzled in.

Coconut Hibiscus
Color: Sunshine Yellow!
Fragrance: I'm not sure what exactly a hibiscus smells like, but I don't smell it in this SS. However, I do smell a light, light, light hint of the violet in there. Mostly I get the coconut and a vanilla smell. So, if you're like me and don't like floral. I don't smell it in this SS. It's creamy Coconut to me. It smells similar to Coconut Cake, without the "batter" note to it.

Blue Sugar Cotton Candy
color: (this one) Light Creamy Blue Jeans Blue
Fragrance: Oh, where, oh, where to begin? I think the only words that can be used (though I'm sure I'll be able to come up with more) are FRIGGEN AMAZING! I tell you, I don't know why I waited so, so long to order this one! I think I just kind of thought, a manly smell mixed with cotton candy? barf-o! Holy, holy smokes I was wrong. It is so, so , so good! I have the female version of the pink sugar fragrance. This one is decidedly more manly. Let me look at the description here real quick. I get almost this musky, manly, clean air type scent, and the woody note to it! I don't really smell a patchouli, maybe it's the muskyness in the SS. I get a small hint of a black licorice in there too! It just smells like a man, home from a long day at work, day's growth of beard. You know, just rugged and sexy! Then you throw in the cotton's freaking heaven. It's just, man comes home from work, he's all rugged and sexay and gorgeous...he gives you the come hither know you're about to end up with some whisker burn.....oh, sorry. I got a little lost in thought's good! One of my top 10 fo sho!

Ok, I think I might start a ranking in each RG post. So this one goes:

#1 (are you surprised?) Blue Sugar Cotton Candy!

#2 St. Lucia

#3 Coconut Hibiscus

Friday, September 28, 2012

Random Pick Post!

I've decided I'm going to try something different. I hope it's unique and different. I'll try not to copy everyone else's ideas! I've decided to do a Random Pick Post! I've decided to stick my hand into my bag o' Scent Shots and pull out 3. I'll then do a review of these three scents. How does that sound?

First up:

Chantilly Lace
Color: White or creamy white
Fragrance: This smell reminds me of my Nana. But not in a stinky, musky old lady way. It's soft and powdery at the same time I get an airy quality to it. There's floral for sure (I'm not a floral person as most of you know!) but I like it. I believe there's lily of the valley smell to it, mixed with a soft womanly powdery musk. All in all, it's a smell that when you hug your nana, you know you're hugging your nana. You just want to hold on tight and savor the memories. Soft and warm and comforting.

Color: Ocean Blue
Fragrance: The first thing I pick up on is coconut. Not a wet coconut if that makes sense. It's like a dried, toasted coconut. Undertone of pineapple, thankfully not overpowering as most pineapple scents are. There's also a sweet scent I can't quite put my finger on, I'm hesitant to say cherry as sometimes that turns people off. It's not prevalent, but there's something sweet and fruity in this! The overall vision I get from this one is sitting on the beach, it's hot, you're under a palm tree, watching the waves on the shore and you've got a creamy, fruity, icy drink in your hand. There's something definitely creamy in this!

Champagne Pomegranate
Color: a slightly burnt red
Fragrance: I can smell this guy when he's sitting about a foot from me! So strong....but so good! This one is sensational! I get the champagne note, (I don't drink so I'll describe it as best I can!) but it's not a bubbly grape smell. It's like a sudsy note in there, almost bitter? sour? (not in a bad way at all!) it tickles your nose! I'm still blown away how she actually has like a carbonation smell in there. The juicy pomegranate in there knocks this out of the park! Ah, maybe it's Fizzy Pop that I smell in  there! I was smelling some other fruity note, I think that's why it's the almost bitter/sour smell, lemons and limes! but they all go really well together. fruity juiciness in a flute. I know things are juicy smelling by when they make my mouth water. This one makes my mouth water. I imagine holding a champagne flute full of ruby colored bubbly bliss! all in all, this one is a great, great scent!

Be sure and let me know how you guys like the Random Pick post!

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

August 2012 Order

So, I know I already posted a video of this on my Youtube channel! (Homershippo's Channel! ((be sure and check it out!)) ;D ) But I thought I'd do a written review. Because the writer in me can get more descriptive than the 10 minutes of hurry up time that my iPhone will allow! All right. Let's kick it off with Scent Shots. Scent Shots (or for us abbreviators SS for short) are little cups (like I hear jell-o shots come in.) that are about 2 oz. They come filled to the top with your choice of over 600 fragrances. It's a nice way to try out a scent before commiting to a huge bucket o' wax! Most of the review below will be on Cold Throw only. Unless, otherwise noted on the description.

Top Shelf Collection:
 Earthquake ~
Color: like all Top Shelf fragrances, this one is colorless (so white) the only color to it, I'm assuming is the color of the oil that goes into the wax.
Fragrance: This is a very spicy scent. I get the nutmeg, clove and cinnamon as talked about in the description. There's also the underlay of vanilla that's in there. But the fig comes out softly with it. It's kind of, this fruity scent mixed in. I don't smell much of the grape at all. It's a nice spicy fragrance with a powdery vanilla base to mellow it out some. If you don't like the spicy scents you may want to skip this one. I find it to be a very fallish type scent. One that reminds me of crispy leaves and time spent indoors wearing warm cozy sweaters!
Godfather ~
Color: See the above
Fragrance: Probably my favorite of this bunch in my order. Another super, super spicy one! But this one is definetly different than Earthquake! This one is like, Pumpkin Pie Spice (not the CBV fragrance, the real deal) with all the spices mixed in! But then the earthy sweetness of the pumpkin sneaks up on you and says hello! There is vanilla in the scent description, but I don't get that in the SS. I get just this smell of delicious pumpkin pie! If there's vanilla in there, it tames out the bitterness of the spices. Like sometimes how spices can have that bitter smelling edge to them. I love this one for fall so far! I have yet to melt it, but I just know that it's going to give my house that "homey" aroma I'm looking for. I'm a big nostalgia type person and Fall and Winter are my favorite times of year! I love making my house cozy and warm and comfy for others who happen to visit. I want them to walk in and feel like they're safe and warm and welcomed! This is a scent that I would melt if I wanted to accomplish that!
 Harvey Wallbanger ~
Color: Again, see the above
Fragrance: This one is very interesting indeed to try and describe. It's very different from what I was expecting it to be! I don't get any, any maple from this. I smell a vanilla in it, maybe some orange, but if there's orange, it's very light. The spice in this is also very light. So you people who are squeemish, this may actually be ok with you, cause my nose is not picking up on much! I smell a slight coconut to it as well. I don't smell anise either! Overall. I smell a fresh, almost fruity fragrance. it's ALMOST candy-ish but not quite! I'll have to figure this one out more once I melt it!
Diva Collection:
Because Of You ~
Color: A gorgeous plum purple
Fragrance: This is supposed to have cherry in it. I know lots of people are leary with Cherry scents, they can tend to be overpowering in a big way. This is not so with this fragrance. I love, love, love this one. I get a hint of cherry. Like literally a drop or two in here. It's like a soft, womanly perfume. The cherry and orange give you a light fruity note, then the soft florals come into play. It's not cloying or heavy. I get a soft green note, and all of this is rounded out by a soft cashmere type musk. Not stinky old lady...soft and gentle. This is something that not only I would wear as a perfume, but something I'd love my mother to smell like too!
Put A Ring On It ~
Color: A spectacularly rich deep pomegranate
Fragrance: I KNOW  there's supposed to be some choclate in here somewhere, but dang it, I don't smell it in mine! I like this though. I get an Ozone-y musk almost from it, with a hint of powder and a soft floral. If I smell deep, I get a dash of the blackberries! I'll have to wait on this one to see how it smells when melted. I do see how this could be a seductive scent though. This is like wearing some racy lingerie under your clothes on a date type of seductive. muahahaha!
Bound To You ~
Color: vibrant magenta
Fragrance: Boy, I love how this one has cured in just one day! I would wear this one in a fragrance as well. But, then again, I like smelling sweet and sugary! I smell Pink Sugar in this one. But, it's mixed with something else! Wow, I don't smell any (well most) of what's in the description. I get sugary, yummy candy. It's also a seductive scent. Ahhh, the musk, I get that in there too. pink sugary, soft musk. ohhhh, how I now have plans for you! I LOVE this one!
***Hot Throw!:
This is suprisingly lighter than anticipated! Still sugary sweet, but lighter. Could be because I didn't let it cure for longer than 15 I still really really like this one!
Regular Line:
 Pomegranate Mango:
Color: Melony Orange
Fragrance: If you like Victoria's Pomegranate scents, and you like her mango scents. Again, what are you waiting for? Put this one in your cart already. It's delightful! A super juicy balance of both fragrances! It's a wave to summer days filled with sunshine and fruity drinks. Literally mouth watering!
Papaya Waterlily:
Color: see above
Fragrance: I don't normally like or gravitate toward florals. But this one is really nice. The fruit balances out the floral in a nice way! The papaya compliments the sweetness of the water lily. It's got that same mellow type of floral that's found in Sea Salt and Lotus Blossom (which I also love!) for me. It's a nice mild floral. Over all, really nice sweet florally scent!
Garden Mint:
Color: minty green (what else? lol)
Fragrance: Super amazingly strong mint. This would definetly be good for clogged sinuses! I get the same minty smell that I get in Bergamont and Herbal Mint. I expected this one to smell like the leaves we used to pick off my mom's mint bush in the backyard. Not so. I smell just a greenery type smell with mint. Not a bad fragrance. It's very, very strong!
Color: dark cypress green
Fragrance: Holy cedar chest! This bad boy will also clear sinuses! It's supposed to have a cedar wood and citrus scent. I get NO citrus in mine what so ever. It reminds me of childhood definelty though. We used to live on the coast over in the good old PNW where it's rainforesty! You can literally walk outside over there and take a big whiff of the air and smell this cedar scent. It reminds me of summers spent in the woods, covered in pitch, playing hide and go seek with my brothers. It also reminds me of trips to Yellowstone Park, we got cedar chests one time to keep our goodies hidden in. This is also what this smells like to me. Open that chest, take a sniff! It's very, very earthy and not your typical Christmas scent, never the less, if you like earthy, this is right up your alley!
Blueberry Cobbler:
(my free SS!)
Color: Rich blueberry (again, what else?)
Fragrance: yum, Yum, YUM!!! This is so, so good! it's like bubbly blueberry compote with a crispy crust spinkled with big flecks of sugar crystals! I could literally eat this fragrance! If you have Jelly Donut, go take a sniff of it. That is the doughy note you're getting in this one. Almost fried (omg, can you imagine fried cobbler?!?!?!?!) and crispy. Buttery, flakey, delicious!
***Hot Throw!:
Boy Howdy! and let me tell you! This mother is STRONG! I put a 1/4 of this hummer in my warmer. It was amazing! gooey, sugary blueberries and warm crusty dough!
Sugared (fricken) Corn Pudding:
Color: Buttery yellow
Fragrance: Amazing. Pure and simple. Amazing. Mind you, I've never had Corn Pudding (does it even exist?) but I would eat it by the gallon and weigh 900 pounds if I ate it! This is quickly becoming one of my top favorite scents! And I haven't even melted it yet! It smells friggen fantastic! I get a slight corn note, like a creamy corn. Light butter and a very light bakery cinnamon fragrance. All of this comes together to make me envision a Corel ware dish coming out of the oven. Bubbly creamed corn mixed with sugar and sprinkled with a dash of cinnamon. Then big crystal sugar brulee'd on the top of this. Seriously? it's that good! omg....go get it people!
Now that's it for SS's. Are you guys ready for my little bit of candles? Are you bored to tears yet? Please don't forget to leave me comments and let me know if I'm being too long winded? do you want more description? what? like it just how it is?
 4oz Mini's:
Honey Vanilla Love Dust:
Color: nice Creamy yellow
Fragrance: I decided to skip the SS on this one and just go straight to the candle form on this one. It was getting so much love I just had to! I smell mostly a chocolate in this one. No honey. It's basically like the name says. Vanillery sweetness, combined with chocolate and a little hint of butter. I like this one a LOT.
***Hot Throw!:
Buttery, sweet, amazing chocolate. I still don't get any honey. But I love this none the less. So good. Maybe I'll let it cure for a little longer and see if that honey ripens!
Eskimo Kisses:
Color: Creamy White
Fragrance: This is a CAS (Create a Scent) made by my girl Deb Brown Howard. Girl, let me tell you. This is friggen amazing! I believe it's a mixture of Spearmint and Vanilla Bean Noel. Holy Cow and Little Kittens too! I want to eat this and bathe in it! I just imagine Christmas time with this one. It's like, sitting inside on a cold winter day and watching snow fall. A cup of cocoa in your hand. I think of Jack Frost, candy canes in your cocoa cup. Man, this is good. I really, really hope the scent stays true and strong to this when it's burning. It's also almost like a sweet chewing gum. Yum, yum, yum! It's so relaxing and amazing!
Glitter Tureen:
Harvest Moon:
Color: Beautiful chunky Copper glitter Tureen! (I'll post a picture later if I can!)
Fragrance: Not to be confused with Victoria's Under the Harvest Moon. This is a CAS I made up one day in my kitchen with her wonderful scents! I had 2 left over pieces of Pumpkin Cider and Apples and Oaks and thought, what the hay? lets just throw em in and see what comes out. Boy, was I surprised! I love how this turned out! It smells like pumpkin apple cider mixed with a woody note of the oak. This is so Halloween as a child for me! We used to go Trick or Treating around a neighborhood by us. One of my friends familes was known and renouned for being amazing pumpkin carvers. They would do literally HUNDREDS of pumpkins. They would then display these on Halloween night. We would do our T or T'ing and then go and look at all the pumpkins. Where I'm from it get's FREAKING ridiculously cold around Halloween. We've been known to have snow! They always had this big, HUGE container of piping hot cider they'd serve. So, as you walked around looking at all these pumpkins, you would have your hands wrapped around this steaming hot mug of cider. (see, I'm waxing nostalgic here people) It's literally so cold you can see your breath, but you don't mind cause you have this piping hot mug of cider, your with family and enjoying glowing
Jack O' Lanterns as you sip. That was the inspiration behind this for me. It just conjures that time of year, they're harvesting the fields, there's a bite of fall/winter in the air. Hands are cold and hearts are warm! I love how this turned out! Thank you So much Victoria!
All right, that be it! Are you all still awake out there?
Love and Guts!


Welcome to my CBV Blog!

Yes, yes, I decided to follow the fold and I've made my own CBV lovin blog! I love the blog name! Aren't I so ingenious! Well, lets get going. I found Candles By Victoria over 2 years ago now. (gosh, has it been that long already?) I was cruising Facebook and saw a little side advertisement. I clicked on it, because I love candles and I was directed to her site. I was absolutely flabbergasted that anyone could boast to over 600 scents. I thought, surely not!!!! I browsed her list of fragrances and was hooked. I started making a list of scents I wanted to try! Admittedly I was a little weary. I love the smell of vanilla and in most cases, when I buy candles in that smell or that have that smell in them, I can NEVER smell the vanilla or the candle. Which is discouraging since the candle usually would cost me $20! I wanna be able to smell what I"m paying for!
     So, I placed my first order. It was love at first sniff. I discovered Scent Shots....holy smokes. What a great way to try out a bunch of new fragrances before you commit to the big guys! I think now, 2+ years later that I'm up to the "over 200 tried" list. I know I've tried a LOT! I love that this company lets you mix smells and put them in candle form as well! What other company does this?
     And then there's the family. I call them family because that's really what they are. Through this experience of finding the company, I've also found an extension of my own, they're  not blood related, but they're related in my heart! I've never met them, but I love them dearly! The customer service that they show, DAILY is beyond spectacular! They care about us as customers...AND as people. I know, I know, I'll try not to get all mushy and sentimental, but....I've been very touched by the Elliott family! I had a couple issues with my youngest son when he was a newborn. Victoria took time out to call me and make sure everything was ok with him, because she was worried about him and his well being. I really, really could go on and on and on! But, I'm afraid that would bore you to tears! I also have met some amazing, wonderful people from finding this company! I call some of these girls, friends, sisters....If I'm having a bad day, I can vent and they're there for me. This company has brought together women, (and men) who've never met eachother before and made us feel close to eachother. I love it, and I love, love, love my CBV! Stay tuned for more posts! Reviews on scents and such!