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Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Welcome to my CBV Blog!

Yes, yes, I decided to follow the fold and I've made my own CBV lovin blog! I love the blog name! Aren't I so ingenious! Well, lets get going. I found Candles By Victoria over 2 years ago now. (gosh, has it been that long already?) I was cruising Facebook and saw a little side advertisement. I clicked on it, because I love candles and I was directed to her site. I was absolutely flabbergasted that anyone could boast to over 600 scents. I thought, surely not!!!! I browsed her list of fragrances and was hooked. I started making a list of scents I wanted to try! Admittedly I was a little weary. I love the smell of vanilla and in most cases, when I buy candles in that smell or that have that smell in them, I can NEVER smell the vanilla or the candle. Which is discouraging since the candle usually would cost me $20! I wanna be able to smell what I"m paying for!
     So, I placed my first order. It was love at first sniff. I discovered Scent Shots....holy smokes. What a great way to try out a bunch of new fragrances before you commit to the big guys! I think now, 2+ years later that I'm up to the "over 200 tried" list. I know I've tried a LOT! I love that this company lets you mix smells and put them in candle form as well! What other company does this?
     And then there's the family. I call them family because that's really what they are. Through this experience of finding the company, I've also found an extension of my own, they're  not blood related, but they're related in my heart! I've never met them, but I love them dearly! The customer service that they show, DAILY is beyond spectacular! They care about us as customers...AND as people. I know, I know, I'll try not to get all mushy and sentimental, but....I've been very touched by the Elliott family! I had a couple issues with my youngest son when he was a newborn. Victoria took time out to call me and make sure everything was ok with him, because she was worried about him and his well being. I really, really could go on and on and on! But, I'm afraid that would bore you to tears! I also have met some amazing, wonderful people from finding this company! I call some of these girls, friends, sisters....If I'm having a bad day, I can vent and they're there for me. This company has brought together women, (and men) who've never met eachother before and made us feel close to eachother. I love it, and I love, love, love my CBV! Stay tuned for more posts! Reviews on scents and such!

1 comment:

  1. I've only been with CBV since June 2012. I heard about CBV on Yankee FB so I thought I would give them a shot and I've been addicted from the first sniff...LOL. I love CBV because they produce awesome candles and they do make you feel part of the's obvious that EVERY product is hand poured with love. The people I have met on addicts unite are very friendly and helpful. Just love love love me some CBV =)
