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Monday, October 15, 2012

Random Grab #3

Good Morning everyone! I first want to give a warm welcome out to all the new people just joining Candles By Victoria in the last few days! You'll soon find yourself addicted in no time! I first just want to put a link in here for those of you who are new. I do YouTube reviews on my CBV orders as well. I think I've got about 45-50 videos on there now! Homershippo's CBV YouTube Channel! I hope you find much hilarity and craziness, as well as great reviews of great candles there! So, onto the smellies for today! For those of you who are reading for the first time, I usually do a weekly, stick-my-hand-into-my-scent-shot-basket-and-see-what-I-come-up-with review. It keeps it fresh, and original and non I've also put in labels on most of the fragrances, just so that if you're looking for something specific you can type it into the search and it should pop up for you!

Today's Pickings Are:

Color: Buttercup Yellow
Fragrance: Oh how I love this one! I originally got it because I had ordered a Surprise Candle (which if you haven't, you should, cause they're super fun!) and I thought this was the top layer of my candle. But, it wasn't. Never the less, it is still very, very good! It's a dupe for the Marc Jacob's perfume of the same name. I don't get an overall floral note out of this like the name would suggest. It's a soft, perfumy fragrance. A soft, clean fragrance. In the description it talks of patchouli. Now, ya'll know I HATE patchouli! I don't smell it in this at all. I do however smell a soft powdery musk, mixed with a soft bouquet. I would love to smell like this perfume or have my sheets softly scented in this. It reminds me of like, a late summer day. A gentle breeze is blowing and you can smell a soft florally perfume in the air. I really like this one and would suggest it highly!

Vanilla Lace
Color: Milky Cream
Fragrance: This one, I originally bought too, hoping for it to smell like something else. I was hoping it would be a dupe for the Victoria Secret perfume. But, it's not. I do like this one as well. It's very, very, very soft though. It's a great mixer for other scents as well. This one is plain and simple to describe. It's soft and powdery vanilla. Not creamy, not baking, just a soft, powdery vanilla. It's really great mixed with Cashmere. (another CAS of mine. Yes, I know, I make a lot.) I think I called it Cashmere Sweater.

And lastly, my wayward, summer scent choosing hand finally decided on a fall scent!

Autumn Leaves
Color: Maple Leaf Orange
Fragrance: I ordered this one when it came out based on a few peoples reviews. It just sounded so odd I had to have it! I think I mixed this one with an apple fragrance and it was divine! Super crispy and fall! Now, onto the description. This one is earthy...not dirt, stinky earthy, it's just earthy. I get a smell of like, green, grassy notes. It's really hard to describe. But, it does smell like leaves...wet, crunchy leaves. Like when you're raking outside in the fall. Where you get that damp earth smell as you rake. I just picture it like, you're out raking leaves, the air is crisp, enough to make your nose just start to tingle. it's really nice. I don't know how it will be on it's own. But mixed it's really good as well!

I hope you enjoy all your CBV goodies and I hope that my little reviews help you in making a decision on one (or two or tons!) of her amazing smells!

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Random Grab #2

Yaaaay! another Random Grab! Apparently my hand is really loving the tropical-ish scents lately! Doesn't it realize it's now time for Fall????? Here are this weeks picks!

St. Lucia
Color: Creamy Turquoise
Fragrance: Now, mind you, I'm not big on Honeydew scents. For some reason I just don't love them. BUT, this baby. Come to mama! it's so, so good! I don't get the nectarine scent thats supposed to be in it? if it's in there, it's nice and light. It doesn't play a HUGE predominant role in this fragrance. I get the honeydew and the marshmallow ambrosia. Holy crikey and little kittens! It makes the fragrance like, this creamy honeydew melon. It really tones down the....melony sweetness if you will. It is creamy honeydew...this would make a great drink. like a blended margarita consistancy with cream drizzled in.

Coconut Hibiscus
Color: Sunshine Yellow!
Fragrance: I'm not sure what exactly a hibiscus smells like, but I don't smell it in this SS. However, I do smell a light, light, light hint of the violet in there. Mostly I get the coconut and a vanilla smell. So, if you're like me and don't like floral. I don't smell it in this SS. It's creamy Coconut to me. It smells similar to Coconut Cake, without the "batter" note to it.

Blue Sugar Cotton Candy
color: (this one) Light Creamy Blue Jeans Blue
Fragrance: Oh, where, oh, where to begin? I think the only words that can be used (though I'm sure I'll be able to come up with more) are FRIGGEN AMAZING! I tell you, I don't know why I waited so, so long to order this one! I think I just kind of thought, a manly smell mixed with cotton candy? barf-o! Holy, holy smokes I was wrong. It is so, so , so good! I have the female version of the pink sugar fragrance. This one is decidedly more manly. Let me look at the description here real quick. I get almost this musky, manly, clean air type scent, and the woody note to it! I don't really smell a patchouli, maybe it's the muskyness in the SS. I get a small hint of a black licorice in there too! It just smells like a man, home from a long day at work, day's growth of beard. You know, just rugged and sexy! Then you throw in the cotton's freaking heaven. It's just, man comes home from work, he's all rugged and sexay and gorgeous...he gives you the come hither know you're about to end up with some whisker burn.....oh, sorry. I got a little lost in thought's good! One of my top 10 fo sho!

Ok, I think I might start a ranking in each RG post. So this one goes:

#1 (are you surprised?) Blue Sugar Cotton Candy!

#2 St. Lucia

#3 Coconut Hibiscus