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Thursday, December 20, 2012

Random Grab #6

Wow! Sorry people! I really dropped the ball the last couple weeks! I need to get back on the train. I've been super busy! Maybe I'll do a 12 days of Christmas sort of thing, and pick out a scent a day or something. I'll have to decide...anyhow.

First grab outta the bag:

Cold December's Night
Color: The oil from the Sugared Spruce has caused mine to discolor a little bit. It's kind of a brownish blue now.
Fragrance: mmmmm. Kayla did a super job with the combo on this one. Just sitting here next to me on the table I get predominantly mint, and almost a cinnamon? Up close and personal this one is strong on the mint, but you also smell the sweetness of the sugared spruce. It's a nice Christmassy combo! I can't smell too deeply cause the mint makes me cough. LOL. It reminds me of like, being outside when the air is very crisp, enough to pinken the end of your nose. It's gently snowing and the smell of the pine trees is in the air. mmmm. Now I just need some cocoa!

Brandied Custard
Color: Chocolaty Brown
Fragrance: It's sad, cause I don't think this one is on the site anymore. I love this one. It smells to me, the way that Butter Rum Lifesavers taste. We used to steal these from my mom's purse when we were little, cause she loved them and would NEVER let us have one. But this is EXACTLY what this smells like to me. I love it! I should have ordered a candle...poo.

Home Sweet Home
Color: Bright Christmas Red
Fragrance: I like this one as well. I don't know if it's supposed to be a dupe for Yankmee's HSH but, if it is, it's a better, toned down version. It's softer, like more mild creaminess has been added. There's definetly spice in there, but it's not the "singe your nose hairs" type. It's more mellow bakery spice. Almost like the actual wood of the cinnamon stick if that makes any sense. Kind of reminds me of a soft, warm, homey potpourri! I love it. I think it would definetly make a good blender too!

Love that my hand just happened to pick more fall/winter scents today. lol!